Calico Fantail (Carassius auratus)

  • Calico Fantail (Carassius auratus) is a stunning and colorful variant of goldfish, known for its calico coloration and flowing tail.
  • This peaceful and social fish thrives in a well-planted aquarium with proper water quality, temperature, and pH levels.
  • With a lifespan of 10 to 15 years and reaching up to 6 inches in length, the Calico Fantail adds vibrancy and elegance to any freshwater aquarium.
SKU: 0126

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Introduction: The Calico Fantail (Carassius auratus), a variant of the goldfish, is a delightful and eye-catching addition to any freshwater aquarium. Its striking calico coloration and elegant flowing tail make it a captivating choice for fish enthusiasts.

Scientific Name: Carassius auratus

Water Quality:

  • Temperature: 64°F to 72°F (18°C to 22°C)
  • pH Level: 6.0 to 8.0
  • GH Level: 8 to 12 dGH
  • KH Level: 2 to 10 dKH

Feeding: The Calico Fantail is an omnivorous fish and enjoys a varied diet. They readily accept flake or pellet foods specially formulated for goldfish, as well as frozen or live foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp.

Tank Mates: The Calico Fantail is generally peaceful and can coexist with other peaceful community fish. Avoid pairing them with aggressive or fin-nipping species.

Substrates and Tank Decorations: Provide a well-planted aquarium with plenty of open swimming space. Use a fine gravel or sand substrate to prevent damage to their delicate fins.

Suitable Plants: Hardy aquatic plants like Java Fern, Anubias, and Hornwort can be great additions to the aquarium. Ensure that the plants are securely anchored to prevent uprooting.

Sexing: Sexing Calico Fantails can be challenging, but during breeding season, males may have tiny white tubercles on their gill covers and pectoral fins.

Breeding: Breeding Calico Fantails is possible in a well-maintained aquarium with suitable conditions. They are egg layers, and the parents may consume the eggs if not separated.

Maximum Size and Longevity: The Calico Fantail can grow up to 6 inches (15 cm) in length and has an average lifespan of 10 to 15 years with proper care.

General Information: The Calico Fantail is a peaceful and social fish that enjoys the company of its kind. Regular water changes and a balanced diet are essential to keep them healthy and vibrant.

A Fun Fact: Calico Fantails come in a range of colors and patterns, making each individual unique and adding a beautiful mosaic-like display to your aquarium.

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